WorldatWork Rewards: On-Demand Highlights is a digital library of more than 30 of the top sessions from the Rewards Conference. Participants also have access to an exclusive live webinar following the conference with leading experts from the HR field.
WorldatWork Rewards: On-Demand Highlights
- SKU:
- City_C:
- Course_Cancelled_C:
- Country_C:
- Course_Type_C:
- Delivery:
- Digital
- DateandLocation_C:
- Yes
- Delivery_Channel_C:
- 3155 – Rewards Digital
- HCRI_Recert_Credits_C:
- 0.0
- IsDated_C:
- false
- Line_of_Business_C:
- 300 - Events
- Product_Responsibilities_C:
- Product_Terms_C:
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- Recertification_Credit_C:
- 4.5
- Recertification_Flag_C:
- true
- Account_C:
- Type_C:
- Enrollment_C:
- Faculty_C:
- Proctoring_C:
- Location_C:
- Salesforce_ID:
- 01t01000002bJaPAAU
- Salesforce_Parent_ID:
- Street_C:
- State_C:
- Postal_Code_C:
- Product_Start_Date_C:
- Product_End_Date_C:
- Product_Type:
- digital
- Product_Family_C:
- Conference & Events
- Practice_Area_C:
- Total Rewards
- Education_Area_C:
- Members_Only_C:
- Certifications_C:
- Local_Network_C:
- Partner_Reseller_C:
- Sponsor_C:
- Language_C:
- Regions_C:
- Schedule_C:
- Month_C:
- HCRI_Recert_Flag_C:
- false
- SHRM_Recert_Credits_C:
- 0
- SHRM_Recert_Flag_C:
- false
- CEUS_Recert_Credits_C:
- 0.0
- CEUS_Recert_Flag_C:
- false
- Session1_C:
- Session2_C:
- Session3_C:
- Session4_C:
- Session5_C:
- Session_Time_Zone_C:
- Venue_Name_C:
- Customer_contact_C:
- Customer_contact_Email_C:
- Customer_contact_phone_C:
- Customer_contact_url_C:
- Session_Details_C:
- ISDummy_C:
- false
- LearningMethod_C:
- Sponsor_Filter__C:
- Exam_Code_C:
- Redemption_Group__c: